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Free Delivery For All Orders



    1. What kind of payment method may I use at

    We accept the following payment options :

    PayPal – Choose to pay securely through PayPal using your debit card or credit card. Registration is free and easy. For more information, please visit

    2. What if my payment has failed?

    There may be several reasons for why payment for an order has failed. Reach out to our Customer Service Team via email: with subject ‘Fail Payment’ and provide your details and/or screenshot of trouble (if can)


    1. Where is my order confirmation number?

    An order confirmation number is only generated for online orders – once you’ve successfully placed your order online, you will receive an email containing the details of your order.

    Did not receive your Order Confirmation?

    Let us help you! Contact our Customer Service Team via email: with subject ‘Order Checking’

    2. Why does my order status show ‘Payment Pending’?

    Typically, the ‘Payment Pending’ status occurs when payment is unsuccessful. However, if payment is in fact unsuccessful, you should have received an email from us with instructions to reattempt payment.

    Unable to reattempt payment or didn’t get a payment failure email?

    Please refrain from re-creating your order to prevent duplication! Get in touch with our Customer Service Team via email: with subject ‘Payment Pending’ and we’ll send you a link for another attempt at payment!

    Paid but order status has not been updated after 24 hours?

    Our Customer Service Team can help to verify your payment and resend an order confirmation email. Please reach out to us via email: with subject ‘Order Whereabouts’ as the concern.

    3. Can I make changes to or cancel my order once it’s been placed?

    Unfortunately, once you successfully make an order, we’re not able to make any further changes like shipping method upgrades or change in quantities for your beauty haul. As Nezauto is not liable for replacements or refunds for parcels that have been delivered to incorrect addresses provided, we always suggest reviewing your bag and shipping details before you check out! For further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Team us via email: with subject ‘Order Support”


    1. How can I track my order?

    Once your order has shipped you will receive an email from us with a tracking number and link to track your order. You can also enter your tracking number in the box below to get the latest status on your shipment.

    Please provide your tracking number (not order number):







    If you just received a shipment notification, please allow 1 to 3 working days for the tracking information to update.


    We proudly offer worldwide shipping via ePacket! Please note order processing time is typically 2-5 business days.

    Once your order has shipped, the estimated delivery time is between 10 to 15 business days. Please consider any holidays that might impact delivery times.

    Please note: Your order may split into multiple shipments. If this occurs, you will be notified and receive a tracking number for each separate shipment.

    2. My order is Preparing to ship/ In Transit, what does that mean?

    Hang tight! Your order has been packed and has left Nez Auto ‘s warehouse! At this stage, you’ll receive an email update from us that will contain a Tracking Number for your parcel. Please give about 72 hours for your tracking to be live.

    3. What are your delivery options and how long is shipping?

    Location Delivery Times
    United States 15-35 working days
    Canada, Europe and U.K 17-45 working days
    Others 25-60 working day


    • Delivery may take additional time during sale periods, holidays, and unforeseen circumstances such as extreme weather events.
    • Delivery is only available on weekdays (excluding Public Holidays).

    4. Do you process orders during Public Holidays?

    While we’d love for you to get your order as soon as possible, our warehouse and our courier partner are closed on Public Holidays. We seek your understanding in having your orders processed, or parcels shipped, on the next working day.

    5. Why is there a delay in delivery?

    Due to a high volume of orders and our precautionary measures taken by us and our delivery partners, please expect a delay in the delivery of your order. You may log into How can I track my order? to check the status of your order.